Tuismitheoirí - Parent's Corner
Fáilte / Welcome…
Fáilte go dtí Cúinne na dTuismitheoirí! - Welcome to the Parent's Corner!
Here you will find important information about Nóiníní Beaga, our policies and procedures and general information which we find will be helpful to parents throughout your child's time with us.
Naíonra Policies / Polasaithe an Naíonra “Nóiníní Beaga”
1. The Naíonra Policy; to provide a quality service for children and parents. An environment which is safe, stimulating, welcoming and healthy for all children and staff. To run the service through Irish – allowing children to acquire Irish naturally (and facilitate the enrichment and development of the Irish language of those who speak Irish at home). To promote the development of the child through play. To promote equal opportunities for all children – to celebrate and welcome different diversities and cultures.
2. Food Policy; Lunchtime is a special time. To promote healthy eating in the naíonra. No sweets, crisps, chocolate, biscuits, chewing gum, fizzy drinks. Campaign like “FOOD DUDES” to run each term, to promote fruit, vegetables and water. Lunchboxes that can be easily opened (promoting independence). We respect any dietary requirements and parental choices. If your child has an allergy please inform the naíonra immediately. Please do not include peanuts. Birthdays are celebrated in a special way – no cakes, sweets etc. to be brought in.
3. Qualification and Training Policy; Aim to provide high quality childcare service through Irish. Staff must have basic childcare qualifications, work experience done, attended Forbairt Naíonra Teo’s childcare course. First aid FETAC level 5 and Garda vetting to be completed. Members of staff attend the child protection programme ‘Children First’. Staff certificates and vetting on display and available for inspection.
4. Child Protection Policy; Policy is to protect children against neglect, bodily, sexual, emotional abuse. Code of behaviour between employees and staff. Eimear responsible for child protection. Contact 087 9303287. Report any worries. Parents always tell stiúrthóir who is to collect/drop off their child. Toilet accidents – staff will change child if he/she has an accident, parents should talk to stiúrthóir if they do not wish for this to happen. Clothes will be sent home to be washed.
5. Irish Language Policy; Child to learn Irish naturally – no pressure. Language of communication. Emphasis on storytelling, singing, rhyming and repetition. Under the direction of F.N.T to ensure high standards amongst Naíonraí.
6. Contagious Illness Policy; No child who has been unwell overnight should attend the Naíonra. Contagious illnesses e.g. chickenpox. Parents must notify the naíonra. The naíonra will in turn inform all parents and they can make an informed choice.
7. Complaints Policy; We welcome opinions, recommendations and complaints from parents/guardians so as to provide a higher quality childcare service. Speak to stiúrthóir, suitable time and express concern. Allow a week or two for resolution. If no solution is found request a meeting with an Bord Bainistíochta (Board of Management).
8. Photography/Video Policy; Used for Naíonra purposes only i.e. newsletters, scrapbooks. Sometimes the media (Newspapers etc.) is used to display the children’s achievements. Parents must sign an agreement which allows naíonra to photograph children and use these images. If a parent does not wish to allow photos to be used, they must put it in writing to the stiúrthóir and steps will be taken to grant these wishes.
9. Outings Policy; Parents will be informed, written permission from parents to allow child to go on an outing. Follow insurance guidelines. Ratio of adults to children outside naíonra is 1:3. Parental assistance is always welcomed on these outings.
10. Safety Policy; Safety statement to assess hazards, risks, dangers. Reviewed regularly. Insurance under KIDD. Always follow insurance conditions. Naíonra opens 10 minutes before actual opening time. Fire drill. Sign in/out.
11. Privacy Policy; All information resulting in observation of children’s developmental behaviour is confidential except in legal obligations. Parents will have access to any documentation regarding their child. Documentation available to HSE in child protection cases.
12. Behaviour Policy; Respect is shown to everybody. Positive emphasis and praise always. Self confidence and self respect are central to child’s learning. Praise good behaviour. Use of simple rules & consistent in the implementation of those rules. ‘Réalta an Ranga’.
13. Fees Policy; Parents to follow ECCE terms and conditions if children are under the ECCE scheme. Parents not involved in the ECCE scheme €11 per session. Fees to be paid even when child is absent. No payment when the naíonra is closed for holidays. Fees are payable in advance. Parents will be notified if payments are overdue. Service may end if fees are not paid. Always talk to the stiúrthóir if there are difficulties and arrangements will be made. Parents will be informed of any extra costs (i.e. class photos).
14. Settling Down Policy; Positive experience. Before starting; written information sent to parents. Parents encouraged to bring children to the naíonra. Information session to discuss worries/fears. First day: Stiúrthóir welcomes child and parent together. Parent should stay for a few minutes to enjoy this time with their child. Staff will always help to settle a child in by reassuring them of their surroundings and involving them with their peers. Parents should say ‘slán’ to their child and staff can help with this separation. No limit of time to this period as every child is different. Staff will always support parents. Staff will support child by allowing them to explore and observe the naíonra in their own way, to figure things out themselves and no pressure will be put on them to participate in activities.
15. Parent Policy; Regular conversations with parents. Updates after every session, even if only a few words. Facilitate meetings at agreed times. Providing up to date information. Notice boards both inside and outside the classroom. Newsletter each month. Monthly observations discussed. Report cards. Parents always welcome into the naíonra. Opportunity to join the Board of Management as parental representatives.
Nótaí Breise– Extra Notes:
- Routine: settling children down. Confidence and independence promotes good behaviour and helps the children to develop good habits (i.e. washing hands.)
- Time keeping: Be on time for naíonra. Children miss out on settling in time.
- Éadaí /Clothes: Dress children appropriately as they can get dirty, sitting on floor, crawling around, sand play, painting etc.
- Mála agus éadaí: ainm/name on lunchboxes, bags, coats, clothes.
- Medication/Leighis: notify stiúrthóir/cúntóir if the child is on medication, even if we are not administering it.
- Forms to be filled in when we begin in September.
- We are a community (not-for-profit) pre-school (réamh-scoil), therefore all money goes towards running the naíonra. Fundraisers will be held throughout the year.